Tool Review – Mighty Bright Seam Ripper

Has this ever happened to you?

You are sewing along, singing to some great music…you look down and something doesn’t look right.  UUUUGGGGHHH!  You have sewn the wrong things together.  This happens to me more than I care to admit.  Anyway, time to get out the old seam ripper.

This, for me, is a pain.  I feel like I have to practically stick the project up my nose to be able to see things…Think, Think, Think…there has to be something that can make this easier.  Oh wait! There is!  I begged on bended knee for us to try this tool:

OOHHHH!  This is the Mighty Bright Seam Ripper.  Yes, ooooo and  aaahhhh.  I LOVE this thing.  OK, it has an ergonmic handle, a magnifier, AND a LED light.  WOW WOW WOW.  This is an absolutely wonderful tool.

If you haven’t seen this or tried it… STOP what you are doing…put down your coffee cup…go here and get one.  I would even recommend that you get a couple of extras for your friends and family.  This would make a great little gift to give someone.  I can’t wait to hear back from you and tell me what you think.

Let’s Go Sew!
