Happy May Day!

May 1 is a day of many holidays. It is known as May Day, the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker, and proclaimed by President Eisenhower in 1958 as Law Day and Loyalty Day. This article will focus on May Day.
May Day has been a day to honor the goddess of fruits and flowers, Flora, by the Romans. It was a day dedicated to Robin Hood, in England, as that was the traditional date of his death. Villagers elected a queen of May, danced around the Maypole, and celebrated with games and festivities. In the United States, some of the European traditions still remain. Some children still dance around the maypole, which is decorated with streamers or ribbons.

One of the favorite traditions of May Day has been to create May baskets, usually filled with freshly picked flowers, dandelion flowers, or clover flowers. These baskets are hung on the doorknob of neighbors’ homes, the doorbell is rung, and then the deliverer runs away; leaving a nice surprise for the homeowner.  *Which is what we did growing up…  It ended in a kiss from the recipient.


“Mary, Mary quite contrary… How does your garden grow?”

Well, here is how our garden is growing.   Little, but it is growing.  Jim and I decided last year that we would plant a garden in our backyard.  Well, that didn’t happen last year… it has been 25 years or so since we last planted a REAL garden.  Not just flowers or piddly stuff… a REAL garden… So this year we bought seeds, which was a 1/2 day job on the internet… Survival Seeds… we couldn’t find any seeds at first… No one local had any seeds… so we went online.  It was even hard there… but my husband doesn’t give up easily… We bought almost $100 worth of seeds online.  They came in this little biddy gold envelope with lots of little baggies of seeds.  Wow… I wasn’t expecting that tiny envelope… But… they are SEEDS!  So…  We planted our garden with the help of our (almost) 3 year old granddaughter, Kaylin… 
Good Friday, was the day we planted.  Jim made it a raised bed using old railroad ties that were dried out and had a load of good topsoil brought in.  He marked off the rows and we decided what to plant.  We planted… watermelons, honey dew melons, red potatoes that Kaylin is planting here.  Broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, peas, celery, beets, cabbage, 2 types of lettuce, brussel sprouts, spinach, onions, carrots, and tomatoes… plus a few others.
 This is how we marked off our rows.  Just wrote on the sticks we tied strings onto and ran from one side to the other to keep our rows straight. Ok… This is how it started on Good Friday, in March.  Today… this is how it looks.  
We also planted 5 grapevine on one end and put up fencing to support that grapevine when it grows.  Who knows… in a year to two, maybe we can make our own wine. 🙂  (Maybe I will blog that when it happens!   We also added a “knockout rosebush” on each end of the fence… I saw on “Pinterest” that planting a rosebush on each end of your grapevines will keep bugs off the grapes and onto the rosebushes.  And you know if it is on “Pinterest”… it has to be true 🙂 … So, why not!  It’s pretty and it might just work!

It’s really growing!!!  This picture I just took!!!!  Yeah!!! … Ok… the tomato seeds are barely above ground, so we went to Sweetwater Farms, local nursery here and bought 5 tomato plants, already about 18″ tall with tiny tomatoes on them.  They said the seeds would never make this year… so we had some help here.
Well, I hope you have enjoyed my gardening this year!  This is a year of firsts… in a long time for us!  Our yard is blooming and it looks very pretty.  In Texas, we have a mean sun, but we even put in our own water well this year to help that out… Jim put us in a large sprinkler system a couple of years ago, so our yard and our garden will get wonderful well water.  Well, that being a deep subject, I will end this garden party and hopefully you will share some gardening ideas with me.  Hope to hear from you soon!    
HAPPY “May Day” / GARDENING!!!    Karen

Merry Christmas!

How are you spending your Christmas?  Spending time with family and friends, or a quiet day at home? Here in north Texas, we are enjoying a once-in-a-lifetime White Christmas… at least the first in my lifetime 🙂

We spent the day with Karen & Jim.  Our girls decided that we needed to play in the snow.

My little on with the biggest snowball she could make.

Then, of course, the snowman building began – it got too dark before it was finished.

I hope you enjoyed your day in your own special way.  From my family to yours, Merry Christmas!


I want to slow down a little…

WOW!  Is it really Friday already?  I really think this week went from Monday to Friday in 2 days.  My little one and I just got back from taking son #1 to school.  I still can’t believe school has already started.  Time seriously needs to slow down.  Our kiddos are growing up so fast.  

I have been thinking about time a lot lately.  We are all rushing around like madmen and not really enjoying our families.  I have decided that I am going to host a “party” for my family once a month.  Nothing big, just a chance for us all to sit down…turn of the TV…put down the electronic games…put the cell phones on silent.  Just plain enjoy being a family and sit and talk to each other.  

The tablecloths that we have at Home a la mode have given me the idea to make each party a theme.  Here is what I was thinking…

Son #1 and I love to cook together.  I think we are going to use this cutie…make up menus…take reservations…make it like a real restaurant. 

We live by the lake.  Daughter #2 is going to be coming home from college for the first time around the middle of the month.  I want to make this a carefree “party”.  Maybe some finger foods.  Grilled hot dogs and hamburgers.  Just a laid back time at the lake and listen to all of her stories.

HALLOWEEN!!!!  Enough said.

We have a family tradition that we rotate houses for Thanksgiving.  This year we are hosting.  I think this is going to be the one that I use.

I love the traditional colors of  Christmas.  I think i am going to do a “party” that is all Red, White, and Green.  Make desserts to match…maybe some breads…eggnog…YUMMY!

Well these are just a few thoughts that I had.  What do you think?  I would love to hear what ideas you have.  Head over and check out all of the tablecloths and tell me what you would like to do and with which one.  We have 55 different ones.  Which are your favorites?

I hope you all have a GREAT Friday, and a FANTASTIC weekend!